I am a registered Social Worker, and Approved Mental Health Professional. I have been in practice for many years. I have worked with Offenders, Working Age Adults, and Older Persons. As well as Counselling/Casework, I have been involved in staff training. I have the Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate.

People often ask why I pursued a caring career, and I guess that there are many reasons. Having been brought up in enlightened times must have been a major contributor. As an incredibly young child I met what I perceived to be an incredibly old lady called Estrid Dane, and she told me that a successful life was about bringing body, mind, and spirit together. Whilst I did not understand what she was telling me, I have come to realise that she must have been one of the pioneers of holistic approaches to life.

Whilst still at school I became aware of a Benedictine Monk, Benedict Heron, who seemed to be elderly, frail, and quite withdrawn. He walked with a stick. In fact, he would only have been in his forties. In his early fifties he became a leading light in the in the Charismatic Renewal movement, and when I saw him about twenty years later he appeared much younger physically, he was outgoing and he went on to live an active life to the age of 97.

It is my wish and desire to help you have a peaceful and contented life.

I am interested in offering Counselling Support to a whole range of people in English. So, if you feel vulnerable, isolated, anxious, grieving, an older person, infirm, or have any other needs I might be able to help. Sometimes just sharing a problem can have a therapeutic effect. Peace of mind can itself lead to contentment. It is my aim to help you become healthier and stronger in mind and body, and to this end I use holistic approaches.

Whilst I prefer face to face contact, I am happy to offer telephone Counselling, Skype/Zoom, or intensive in-house support.

I look forward to hearing from you, and don’t forget a first phone call costs nothing.