I am prepared to offer one to one, face to face therapy, telephone contact, contact via the Internet or intensive residential support.

I feel that I am a good listener, who is sensitive and considerate to individual’s needs. I am a passionate believer in Person-Centred, self-determination, and will do my best to aid your recovery.
Following an initial discussion, we will jointly decide the best approach, and one that you feel comfortable with, before deciding on an action plan that suits your individual needs. I prefer to see myself as a facilitator to help with your needs.

Residential support would be offered in a large country house in Mirandol Bourgnounac, in the Tarn, South West France. This would give you a space in a lovely old country house, with extensive gardens, and a safe environment. You would have a well appointed en-suite bedroom, that will give you a private space to reflect and consider your situation. A good diet will be arranged according to your needs and wants. I would be on site, and act as the facilitator for your stay, and we would discuss what approach suites you best. If you prefer, you can have a quite reflective retreat. The retreats that we offer can be used for a variety of purposes, including grief retreats. Should you require a specific intervention that we are not able to offer, we would try to identify it locally for you.

Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs further, and remember that discretion, privacy, and anonymity is guaranteed. We would never intend to have more than two rooms let out at any time, and you can of course bring your partner. Should you want the exclusive use of our facility, that can also be arranged.

SIRET: 53283727500017